Monday, March 10, 2008

Peter Grimes is coming!

Let me recommend you take a moment to look up Peter Grimes on Wikipedia back?... Now THAT'S a story.
This weekend is the Met's HD broadcast of
Peter Grimes. I'm looking forward to it. Nancy LOVES Benjamin Britten. If he wasn't both dead and gay, I'd be worried. She loves him that much. He might have a shot being only one or the other.
I'm of two minds when it comes to Britten and other 20th century opera composers of his ilk. (And please, spare me the rather lengthy discussion of the differences in 20th century composers and their musical styles. Haydn and Mozart probably roll over in their respective graves every time they are mentioned as practicing the same musical style. That's the breaks, folks. Musical styles don't change every five to ten years, or every five to ten minutes as some some 20th century musicologists would try to make us believe. Back to my two minds...)
Mind one:
The gritty realism is a good thing for modern, non-traditional audiences. The questionable morals and behavior of the characters in
Peter Grimes would fit perfectly in a Martin Scorsese film. That should get their attention.
Mind two:
How can I in good conscience invite "non-opera" opera goers to listen to Benjamin Britten's music? I like it (most of the time), but it's a little hard on the uninitiated ear.
So, I'll wait and invite my opera newbie friends to the tamer fare of
La Boheme and continue to ponder how to get them to see, listen and appreciate Peter Grimes, Lulu, Bluebeard's Castle, The Rape of Lucretia, A Midsummer Night's Dream, etc..,
Maybe, I should drug them first....

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