Sunday, March 9, 2008

Staying Calm (this time)

I've been encouraged to keep my initial entry civil.
Like Nancy, I love me some opera....
I'm getting pretty fed up with having to take off my glasses to watch a lot of it. I mean COME ON!! I don't want to hear the excuses! There are over 6 billion people in the world. There must be more options than the fat, old, drab, uninspired, poorly staged....
...I'm not going to get worked up...deep breaths, Sid, deep breaths...
Just so we're clear from the beginning, I'm not some frustrated singer who's auditioning and not getting parts. I don't perform anymore and I don't plan to either. I just want to see good opera!
And for you traditionalists, who'd rather have someone steal your Buick sedan than have anything change in the opera, take your heart meds before you read my posts. You are going to be pissed off.
You all have a great day, now.

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